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New User Interface
Tools for Developers
Management Benefits




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CV2VB Results:
New User Interface

Your users see a new interface, yet familiar functionality, organization, and work flow.  

There's no long shakedown cruise.  Users enjoy an orderly startup with your legacy and converted applications co-existing using the same data sources.


User Login

Access set by user's VMS login.

Auto-selection of database,
Username defaults
from Windows

Menus & Shortcuts

Location in Menu displayed, user must navigate away.

Windows menus
cascading at each
 menu level.

User-selected, categorized shortcuts speed menu selection.


Screen Headings

CorVision put headings
 at the top

CV2VB Relocates them to a
 Windows Status Bar

Key Windows

Awkward key choice, no grid printing, fixed column order and widths.

Screen and grid printing, tabbed key choices, settable column order and widths.

Form Resizing

Dependant on terminal emulator, all screens are the same size/color/font for the whole application.

Vertical & Horizontal Resizing - unique sizes for each
 form and window.

Saved uniquely by user name outside the registry
(User settings follow them to any PC they use)

Date Entry

Relaxed year entry, format choice.

Editable month, day, year,
or drop down Date-Picker Calendar.

Permitted Values

Permitted values and meanings are invisible unless added to the field label.

CorVision permitted values convert to Windows
drop-down lists.

Yes/No Entry

User enters Y or N

Required YES/NO fields
convert to check boxes.

Lookup Windows

Lookup on one key,
developer's choice.
No format control. Hard to move.

Lookup on any key,
user's choice.
User-controlled format.
Window easily moved.


No horizontal scroll,
 no row colors,
scrolling area not printable,
can't copy to other apps.

Easy to read,
Horizontal scroll,
User-settable column widths,
Printable scrolling area.

Copy Grid to clipboard for paste into Excel or other applications.

Batch & Reports

CorVision applications depended on VMS batch processing and printing services.

Parameters were passed via 'terminal datasets'.

CV2VB provides a batch queuing system and report archive and distribution system.

Parameters are passed
 via XML messages.


Form Level or Field Level
 HELP is available.

HELP is generated from application specifications, adding developer and documenter annotations

HELP has clickable links to follow and is organized by the application's menu.

Field-level HELP shows all business rules for the field on the specific form.

NOTE: HELP generation is part of  the CV2VB toolset.


"Accept, Reject or Edit?"

Accept or Reject selected by function key or window choice. Navigation choices controlled by data.

Accept or Reject selected by  function key, button

Navigation choices
controlled by data.


Visual queues for Non-enterable fields

User's couldn't tell if a field was enterable or not - until they tried to get to it.

Non-enterable fields are dynamically grayed.

Screen Printing

CorVision didn't provide screen printing. 

User's could print the screen image, but not all of the scrolling regions.

Click for a quick Screen Print

Print the visible screen,
 all rows from scrolling region(s), or both.


CorVision's End-user QUERY was easy to use and popular at many sites.

Users' Query specs were stored in an undecipherable format.

A QUERY Form is part of the CV2VB-converted application, and all your queries from QUERY.DAT are converted and available.

Function Keys

CorVision allowed you to define custom function keys by customizing the MACRO-32 source for VT200AF.MAR

These keys had no visual equivalent.

Function keys are easy to add to the application and display in a toolbar.

NOTE: CV2VB converted applications can still be driven solely from the keyboard!  We understand: CorVision applications are back-office, high-volume, and keyboard intensive.


CorVision is a trademark of
Attunity Inc.

Copyright 2003-2015,
Order Processing Technologies

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